Autonomous Systems Laboratory @ Sampoerna University

ASL is a laboratory under the CPS research group focusing on autonomous systems. The laboratory hosts research works on control system theory, visual servoing, source localization using micro quadcopter, and autonomous vehicles.

ASL is located at IoT Lab

On the left is the new PIC (Djati) and on the right is the former PIC (Fikri). We took a picture with some of the robots in the lab.

Autonomous Towing Vehicle

We are working on the autonomous towing vehicle used in the indoor application (e.g. plants and warehouses). We mainly use ROS and LiDAR-SLAM technology combined with an "imaginary" path follower and obstacle avoidance system.  Both mechanical fabrication and software development is done by Sampoerna University's lecturers and students. This project is expected to give a contribution to the development of an autonomous ground vehicle (AGV) in Indonesia.

Testing Autonomous Mode

Testing Teleoperation Mode 

Application of Autonomous Towing  Vehicle 

Face Tracking with DJI Tello

We use commercial drone to experiment on face tracking. We use Linear SVM in MATLAB to perform classification. The drone can then recognize the target face and track-follow the target by changing its orientation. The work can be seen here: